Technical Data

1. Bullet Manufacturing
- Consistent geometry (CNC manufactured).
- Mid SAAMI tolerance on diameter (± 3,5 Micron (µm) maximum on manufacturing).
2. Technical Features of Bullet
2.1 Material
- Pure copper (>99,5% copper).
- Environmentally friendly (lead free).
- Aligned with international trends (embargo on leaded ammunition).
- Specific gravity of pure copper is 10 – 15% less than equivalent lead core bullets. The monolithic bullet is lighter than the equivalent length lead core bullet, therefore increased velocity is achievable.
- By selecting the appropriate monolithic bullet for a given twist rate, a flatter trajectory may be achievable compared to the lead core alternative. Follow manufacturer’s recommendation on selecting an appropriate bullet weight for the rifle’s twist rate.
2.2 Rebated Boat Tail
- Deflected gas flow away from the bullet during bullet exit at crown, ensuring less turbulent gas conditions in front of the bullet.
- Up to 15% increase in precision and accuracy compared to conventional boat tail design.
- Flat base bullet precision and accuracy with boat tail BC benefits.
- Boat tail angle conforms to the popular industrial standard for optimised BC.
2.3 Ogive
- Tangent Ogive design which is less “jump” sensitive.
- Ogive is not off a “bore rider” design, i.e. the ogive engages with the lands.
- Bullet is “tunable” for precision (i.e. jump adjustable).
- Bullet position in case can be measured with ogive comparator tools.
- Both a “target” and “hunting” ogive designs available. Same impact point.
2.4 Bearing Surface
- Designed within SAAMI tolerances.
- Improved low friction drive band design which results in:
– Minimum copper fouling
– Low pressure characteristics
3. Hexagonal Boron Nitrate (HBN)
Hexagonal Boron Nitrate is widely used in industrial applications due to its excellent dry lubricating properties and ultra-high-temperature abilities. Hexagonal Boron Nitrate has the best combination of high temperature resistance and lubricating properties, out of all solid lubricants available today.
3.1 Excellent Lubrication
- HBN application results in less fouling and less pressure compared to untreated monolithic bullets.
- Reduced extreme velocity spread and therefore improved precision and accuracy.
- Improved accuracy between cold bore and follow-up shots. Further reduces elevation dispersion.